Category: Pharmacy
Estimated Date: 1880
Name: Materia Medica
Manufacturer: Parke Davis

Description: 1.75“x 1.75“x 2.5” metal box with glass window in top, picture of factory and other scenes as well as addresses of the company, labeled Materia Medica Specimen, then a number. Set of 12, smallest is 2.5“x 1.75“x 1.25”, the largest is 2.5” high numbers on top are 257, 262, 230, 174, 147, 153, 148, 9, 48, 23. The top is hinged, Pat appl April 29, 1879, Somer Bros., Bklyn. Two no number.

Measuring Pot
Dovers Powders
Materia Medica
Medicine Case
Drug Jar, Arborello