
Catalog # Year Edition Author Title Publisher
1 1837 9 Thomson, Anthony Tod The London Dispensatory Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans London
2 1810 1 Thacher, James M.D. The American New Dispensatory T. B. Wait and Co., Boston
3 1805 1 Duncan, Andrew Jr. M The Edinburgh New Dispensatory Isah Thomas, Jr., Worcester
4 1796 3 Lewis, Dr. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory American, Thomas and Andrews, Boston
5 1862 1 Thacher, James M.D. The American Revolution Hurlbut, Williams and Co.
6 1748 4 Pomet, Pierre A Complete History of Drugs J and J Bonwicke, London
7 1826 2 Thacher, James M.D. American Modern Practice Cottons and Barnard, Boston
8 1837 6 Dewees, William P. M Treatise on the Diseases of Females Carey, Lea and Blanchard, Phil
9 1765 6 Lewis, , The New Dispensatory J. Nourse, London
10 1913 1 Mukhopadhyaya, Girin The Surgical Instruments of the Hindus Calcutta University, Calcutta
11 1830 3 Eberle, John A Treatise on the Materia Medica and Therapeutics John Grigg, Phil.
12 1831 3 Gregory, George M.D. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physic J. Towar and D.M.Hogan, Pittsburgh
13 1847 1 Bronner, Dr. Die Blasensteinzerpulverung Ferdinand Enkes, Wurzburg
14 1833 l Heurteloup , Baron Lithotripsie Chez Bechet, Paris
15 1659 2 Glissonii , Franciscii Anatomia Hepatis Joannis Ravesteinii, Amsterdam
16 1672 3 Tanner, John The Hidden Treasures of the Art of Physick John Streeter, London
17 1689 4 Tolet, Francois Traité de la Lithotomie The Author, Paris
18 1751 1 Baseilhac, J. "Frere Recueil de pièces importantes sur l’opération De La Taille faite par le lithotome caché D'Houry fils, Paris
19 1545 ? Galen, , Operum Omnium Pars Secunda Septimae Sectionis, Venitius
20 1715 1 Valentini, Michael-B Praxeos Medicinae Infallibilis Pars Altera Chirurgica Dominicum, Frankfurt
21 1666 2 Bartholin, Thomas Anatomia Adrian Vlacq, Holland, The Hague
22 1752 l Cat, Le Pièces concernant L’Opération de la Taille Laurent Dumesnil, Rouen
23 1735 1 Langrish, Browne The Modern Theory and Practice of Physic A. Bettesworth and Hitch, London
24 1863 1 Smith, Henry H. The Principles and Practice of Surgery Lippincott and Co., Phila.
25 1895 2 Quain, Richard A Dictionary of Medicine D. Appleton and Co., New York
26 1842 3 Dunglison, Robley M. General Therapeutics and Materia Medica Lea and Blanchard, Phila.
27 1888 1 Foster, Frank P. M.D An Illustrated Encyclopeaedic Medical Dictionary D. Appleton and Co., New York
28 1920 ? The Surgical Manufac, Catologue of surgical instruments and appliances same, Glasgow
29 1928 3 Schall, W.E. X Rays: Their Origin, Dosage and Practical Application same, London
30 1917 ? Huston Brothers, , Catalogue of Huston Brothers Co. Huston Brothers, Chicago
31 1930 ? Allen, and Hanburys Surgical Instruments Appliances and Hospital Equipment same
32 1913 5 Gardner, J.and Son Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, Edinburgh
33 1912 17 Kny-Scheerer Co., Kny-Scheerer Co. Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments New York
34 1908 4 Kny-, Scheerer Co. X-Ray Apparatus same, New York
35 1905 13 Howarth, -Ballard Drug Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments same, Utica
36 1900 6 Lentz, Charles and S Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Surgical Instruments same, Philadelphia
37 1913 5 Maw, S. Son and Sons Surgical Instruments same, London
38 1914 7 Lentz, Charles and S Surgical Instruments Orthopedic Apparatus, etc., same, Philadelphia
39 1908 ? Mueller, V.and Co. Surgical Instruments same, Chicago
40 1925 ? Maw, Son and Sons Maws Catalogue of Surgeons Instruments same, London
41 1891 ? Maw, S. Son and Thom Surgeons Instruments, Quarterly Price Current, same, London
42 1904 ? Sears Roebuck , and Co Physicians and Hospital Supplies, Surgical Instruments same, Chicago
43 1895 ? Arnold, and Sons Instrument Catalogue same, London
44 1904 ? Arnold , and Sons Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, London
45 1,889.00 ? Clapp, Otis and Sons Catalogue and Physicians price current same, Boston
46 1910 ? Jetter , and Scheerer General Catalogue same, South Germany
47 1889 ? Down , Bros Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, London
48 1900 ? Down , Bros Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, London
49 1906 ? Down, Bros Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, London
50 1935 ? Down, Bros Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Appliances same, London
51 1881 ? Hernstein, A.L. Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments and Orthopaedic Appliances same, New York
52 1885 ? Matthews, Surgical Instruments same, London
53 1884 5 Reynders, John and C Catalogue of Surgical Instruments same, New York
54 1879 1 Tiemann, George The American Armamentarium Chirurgicum same, New York
55 1889 2 Tiemann, George and Co. Catalogue of Surgical Instruments:The Chirurgical Armamentarium same, New York
56 1926 ? Tiemann, George and Co. Catalogue of surgical supplies same, New York
57 1889 12 Sharp , and Smith Surgical Instruments same, Chicago
58 1893 6 Truax, Greene and Co Medical Supplies Surgical Instruments, same, Chicago
59 1899 1 Truax, Charles Mechanics of Surgery same, Chicago
60 1912 2 Betz, Frank S. Manual of Physiological Therapeutics same, Chicago
61 1920 ? Thompson, and Plaster Accessories same, Chicago
62 1919 40 MacIntosh , Battery Electro therapeutical catalogue same, New York
63 1910 ? Thompson , and Plaster Directions same, Chicago
64 1922 11 Fischer, H.G.and Co. X Ray and Physio Therapy Supplies same, Chicago
65 1949 1 Waite, F.C. The First Medical College in Vermont Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier
66 1954 1 Major, Ralph H. M.D. A History of Medicine Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Ill.
67 1936 3 Cramp, Arthur J. M.D Nostrums and Quackery and Pseudo-Medicine Press of the American Medical Association
68 1921 2 Arthur J. Cramp, M.D Nostrums and Quackery and Pseudo-Medicine Press of the American Medical Association
69 1912 2 Cramp, Arthur J.M.D. Nostrums and Quackery and Pseudo-Medicine 1 Press of the American Medical Association
70 1959 1 Holbrook, Stewart H. The Goldern Age of Quackery MacMillan Co. 1959
71 1853 1 Cutter, Calvin M.D. Treatise on Anatomy Physiology, and Hygiene, Benjamin B. Mussey and Co. , Boston
72 1881 1 Noyes, Henry D. M.D. Diseases of the Eye William Wood and Co., New York
73 1848 1 Bernard, Cl. and Ch. Précis Iconographique de Médecine Opératoire Mequignon-Marvis Fils, Paris
74 1810 1 Saunders, William M. Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Liver William Fessenden, Walpole, N.H.
75 1830 2 Converse, S. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America New York
76 1804 4 Wilkins, Henry M.D. The Family Adviser John C. Totten, New York
77 1910 2 Humphreys, F. M.D. Humphreys Homeopathic Mentor Humphreys Homeopathic Medicine Co. , New York
78 1849 5 Laurie, L. M.D. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine William Radde, New York
79 1906 1 Wood, Joseph R. Ph.G Tablet Manufacture J. B. Lippincott Co. , Philadelphia
80 1865 1 Baunscheidt, Charles Baunscheidtism, or a New Method of Cure John Linden, Cleveland
81 1746 1 Jackson, Rowland A Physical Dissertation on Drowning Jacob Robinson, London
82 1914 4 Marks, A.A. Manual of Artificial Limbs same, New York
83 1931 2 Terence East, Recent Advances in Cardiology J. and A. Churchill, London
84 1973 1 Baldwin, Joseph K. Patent and Proprietary Medicine Bottles of the Nineteenth   Century Thomas Nelson Inc. , Nashville, New York
85 1951 1 Translated by Robert, Galens Hygiene Charles Thomas Springfield
86 1828 22 Buchan, William M.D. Domestic Medicine J. and B. Williams, Exeter
87 1896 1 Jacobi, A. M.D. Therapeutics of Infancy and Childhood J.B. Lippincott Co, Philadelphia
88 1895 1 Beck, Carl M.D. A Manual of Surgical Asepsis W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
89 1888 1 Gerster, Arpad G. M. The Rules of Aseptic and Antiseptic Surgery Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London
90 1911 1 Wellcome, Henry S. The Evolution of Urine Analysis Burroughs Wellcome and Co. , London
91 1857 2 Ludlow, J.L.M.D. A Manual of Examinations Blanchard and Lea 1857
92 1746 ? W. , Owen The New Dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians London London
93 1825 6 J.A. , M.D. Pharmacologia Samuel Wood and Sons, New York
94 1819 1 White , and Cautherley Directions for Exhibiting the Medicines Contained in the Chests Weed and Rider, London
95 1859 24 Fitch, Samuel Sheldo Six Lectures on the Functions of the Lungs S.S. Fitch and Co., New York
96 1861 ? Fitch, Samuel S. M.D A Popular Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart same, New York
97 1824 1 Swaim, A Treatise on Swaims Panacea Clark and Raser Philadelphia
98 1909 ? Ramseyer, A.A. Rademachers Universal and Organ Remedies Boericke and Tafel, Philadelphia
99 1927 2 Braasch, William F. Urography W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
100 1915 1 Braasch, William F. Pyelography W.B. Saunder and Co., Philadelphia
101 1849 2 Mohr, Francis Ph.D. Practical Pharmacy Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia
102 1849 1 Mohr, Francis Ph.D. Practical Pharmacy Taylor, Walton and Maberly, London
103 1927 l LaWall, Charles H.Ph Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia
104 1895 l Caspari, Charles Jr. A Treatise on Pharmacy Lea Bros. and Co., Philadelphia
105 1723 3 Sanctorius, Medicina Statica W. and J. Newton London
106 1823 1 Sachero, Carlo Giaci De Pulsibus Organicis Aug. Taurinorum, Turin
107 1914 1 Goodman , Edward H. Blood Pressure in Medicine and Surgery Lew and Febiger, Philadelphia
108 1909 l Hay, John and James Graphic Methods in Heart Disease Oxford University Press, London
109 1874 1 Holden, Edgar M.D. The Sphygmograph Lindsay and Blakiston, Philadelphia
110 1902 1 Potain, C. La Pression Artérielle de L’Homme Masson et Cie, Paris
111 1891 3 Finlayson, James M.D Clinical Manual Smith, Elder and Co., London
112 1884 1 Paul, Constantin Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart William Wood and Co., New York
113 1955 1 Ruskin, Arthur M.D. Classics in Arterial Hypertension Charles C. Thomas, Springfield
114 1714 l Zumbag de Koesfelt, De Pulsibus ac Urinis Fasciculus Indicatorius Lugduni Batavorum
115 1823 1 Formey, D.Joh. Ludw. Versuch einer Wurdigung des Pulses August Rucker, Berlin
116 1756 1 Bordeu, Theophile de Recherches sur le Pouls par Rapport Aux Crises Chez de Bure, Paris
117 1748 1 Nihell, M. M.D. Observations Nouvelles et Extraordinaires sur la Prédiction des Crises par le Pouls DeBure, Paris
118 1767 l Fouquet, Henri Essai sur le Pouls La Weuve de Jean Martel, Montpellier
119 1890 l Broadbent, W.H. M.D The Pulse Cassell and Co. , London
120 1796 l Falconer, W. M.D. Observations respecting the Pulse T. Cadell, Junior, and W. Davies, London
121 1867 l Sanderson, Burdon J. Handbook of the Sphygmograph Robert Hadwicke, London
122 1882 l Dudgeon, R.E. The Sphygmograph Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London
123 1866 l Foster, Balthazar W. On the Use of the Sphygmograph in the Investigation of Disease J. Churchill, London
124 1856 l Faivre, J. Etudes Expérimentales sur les Lésions Organiques du Coeur A'Aime Vingtrinier, Lyon
125 1834 l Herisson, Jules Dr. Le Sphygmomètre La Librairie Universelle d Bohaire, Paris
126 1846 l Daremberg, Ch. Traité sur le Pouls Paul Dupaut, Paris
127 1855 l Vierordt, Karl Dr. Die Lehre vom Arterienpuls Vieweg and sons, Braunschweig
128 1868 l Soulignoux, Leonce D Du Diagnostic Médical et Chirurgical par les Moyens Physiques J. B. Bailliere et Fils, Paris
129 1902 l Mackenzie , James The Study of the Pulse Macmillan Co,.New York
130 1863 l Marey, Etienne Jules Physiologie Médicale de la Circulation du Sang Basée sur L’Etude Graphique des Mouvements du Coeur Adrien Delahaye, Paris
131 1878 l Marey, Etienne-Jules La Méthode Graphique dans les Sciences Expérimentales et Principalement en Physiologie et Médecine Masson, Paris
132 1881 l Marey, Etienne J. La Circulation du Sang a l’Etat Physiologique et dans les Maladies G. Masson, Paris
133 1847 1 Ludwig, C. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Einflusses der Respirationsbewegungen auf den Blutlauf im Aortensysteme Arch. Anat. Physiol. Wiss Med. p 242
134 1892 l Ewart, William M.D. How to Feel the Pulse and What to Feel in It William Wood and Co. , New York
135 1800 l Haygarth, John Of The Imagination as a Cause and as a Cure of Disorders of the Body Cruttwell, Bath
136 1827 l Rucco, Julius Introduction to the Science of the Pulse as Applied to the Practice   of Medicine The Author, London
137 1910 l Korotkoff, N.S. Experiments for Determining the Efficiency of Arterial   Collaterals Translated by Harold N. Segall Harold N. Segall, M.D., Montreal
138 1901 l Basch, Samuel S. von Die Herzkrankheiten bei Arterisclerose August Hirschwald, Berlin
139 1876 l Basch, S.S. von Die Volumetrische Bestimmung des Blutdrucks am Menschen   and other repints various
140 1866 l Piorry, P.A. Traité de Plessimétrisme et d’Organographisme Adrien Delahaye, Paris
141 1,828.00 l Piorry, Pierre A. De la Percussion Médiate J.S. Chaude and J.B. Bailliere, Paris
142 1914 l Norris, George Willi Blood Pressure Its Clinical Applications, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia
143 1887 l Hudson, E. Darwin Jr A Manual of the Physical Diagnosis of Thoracic Diseases William Wood and Co., New York
144 1916 l Wiseman, Eugene G. Blood Pressure in Ocular Work John P. Smith, Rochester
145 1923 3 Osborne, Oliver T. M Disturbances of the Heart American Medical Association, Chicago
146 1914 l Lewis, Thomas M.D. Clinical Disorders of the Heart Beat Shaw and Sons, London
147 1916 l Mackenzie, Sir James Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment in Heart Affections Henry Frowde, London
148 1881 3 Sansom, Arthur Ernes Manual of the Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart including the use of the sphygmograph and cardiograph J and A Churchill, London
149 1892 l Horteloup, Le Dr. Leçons sur L’Uréthrite Chronique G. Masson, Paris
150 1820 1A3E Blackall, John M.D. Observations on the Nature and Cure of Dropsies James Webster, Philadelphia
151 1905 l Albarran, J. Exploration des Fonctions Rénales Masson et Cie, Paris
152 1838 3F Laennec, Rene-Theoph A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest Samuel S. and William Wood, New York
153 1837 4 Laennec, R. T. H. De l’Auscultation Médiate et des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur Societe Typographique Belge, Brussels
154 1881 2 Dickinson, W. Howshi A Treatise on Albuminuria William Wood and Co. , New York
155 1909 l Cathelin, F. le Doct Les Méthodes Modernes d’Exploration Chirurgicale de L’Appareil Urinaire Librairie Henry Paulin et Cie, Paris
156 1895 l Calder, D.H. and Lew Notes on Materia Medica The Vermont Medical Pub. Co., Burlington
157 1762 5 de la Riviere, Davach Le Miroir des Urines Cavelier au Lys d’Or, Paris
158 1888 2 Tyson, James M.D. A guide to the practical examination of the Urine P. Blakiston, Son and Co., Philadelphia
159 1827 l Civiale J , and Bichat De La Lithotritie, bound with Anatomie Pathologique Chez Bechet Jeune, Paris
160 1863 l Thompson, Sir Henry Practical Lithotomy and Lithotrity John Churchill and Sons, London
161 1895 l Martin, H. Newell Physiological Papers The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore
162 1789 l Howard, John An Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe William Eyres, London
163 1696 l Dolaeus, John Encyclopedia Chirurgica Rationalis John Jacobi Hertz, Venice
164 1750 l Diderot, , Chirurgie Paris
165 1772 l Perret, Jean Jacques L’Art du Coutelier Perret, Paris
166 1835 l Cross, John Green A Treatise on the Formation Constituents, and Extraction of the Urinary Calculus John Churchill, London
167 1914 l Pasteau, Octave Les Instruments de Chirurgie Urinaire Chez Boulange, Paris
168 1829 l Stanley, Edward An Account of the Mode of Performing the Lateral Operation of Lithotomy Longman, Reese, Orm, Brown and Green, London
169 1694 l Diemerbroeck, Ysbara The Anatomy of Human Bodies W. Whitwood, London
170 1895 36 Tucker, George The Electrician Periodical London
171 1896 l Jenner, Edward Jenner Centenary Number of the British Medical Journal British Medical Journal
172 1981 l Don Fredgant, Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical Collectibles Books Americana, Florence, Alabama
173 1,570.00 l Dalechamps, Jacques Chirurgie françoise recueillie par M. Jacques Dalechamps Guillaume, Ruille
174 1547 l Tagault, Jean De Chirurgica Institutione Gulielmum, Rovillivm
175 1840 l Malgaigne, J.F. Oeuvres Complètes d’Ambroise Pare Bailliere, Paris
176 1900 l Hamonic, M. le Dr. P La Chirurgie et la Médecine d’autrefois A. Maloine, Paris
177 1911 l Crawfurd, Raymond The Kings Evil Clarendon Press, Oxford
178 1801 l Beddoes, Thomas Observations on the medical and domestic management of the consumptive Longman and Rees, London
179 1903 l Becquerel, Henri Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matière F. Didot, Paris
180 1902 3 Monell, S.H. The Treatment of Disease by Electric Currents E.R. Pelton, New York
181 1947 l Gamow, G. Atomic Energy in Cosmic and Human Live University Press, Cambridge
182 1946 l Friedenwald, H. Jewish Luminaries in Medical History The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
183 1965 l Grigg, E.R.N. The Trail of the Invisible Light Charles C. Thomas, Springfield
184 1922 l Simpson, Frank Edwar Radium Therapy C.V. Mosby Co. , St. Louis
185 1922 l Aston, F.W. Isotopes Edward Arnold and Co. , London
186 1802 l Sigaud de la Fond, J De l’Electricité Médicale Chez Delaplace, Paris
187 1910 l Tousey, S. Medical Electricity, Roentgen Rays and Radium W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
188 1807 l Trotter, Thomas A View of the Nervous Temperament Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, London
189 1977 l Bedford, Evan The Evan Bedford Library of Cardiology Royal College of Physicians, London
191 1923 l Multiple, Le Radium Les Presses Universitaires de France Paris
192 1929 l Larkin, A. James Radium in Gerneral Practice Paul B. Hoeber, New York
193 1903 l Snow, William Benham A Manual of Electro-Static Modes of Application Therapeutics, Radiogrphy, and Radiotherapy A .L. Chatterton and Co. New York
194 1897 2 Turner, Dawson M.D. A Manual of Practical Medical Electricity Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London
195 1887 l Mason, Charles F. M. A Compend of Electricity P. Blakiston, Son and Co, Philadelphia
196 1774 l Mauduyt, M. Mémoire sur les différentes manières d’administrer l’électricité De L'imprimerie Royal, Paris
197 1787 3 Adams, George An Essay on Electricity George Adams, London
198 1890 l Liebig, G.A. Jr.Ph.D Practical Electricity in Medicine and Surgery F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
199 1865 6 Channing, William F. The Medical Application of Electricity Thomas Hall, Boston
200 1896 l Morton, William J. i The X ray or Photography of the Invisible and its value in Surgery American Technical Book Co. New York
201 1896 l Thompson, Edward P. Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode D. Van NOstrand Company, New York
202 1907 l Greinacher, Heinrich Radium Verlag von Veit and Co. , Leipzig
203 1912 l Bragg, W.H. Studies in Radioactivity Macmillan and Co. Limited, London
204 1934 3 Chadwick , J. Ph.D. Radiactivity and Radioactive Substances Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, London
205 1,911.00 l Turner, Dawson M.D. Radium Its Physics and Therapeutics, Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, London
206 1912 3 Soddy, Frederick The Interpretation of Radium G.P.Putnam's Sons, New York
207 1938 2 Hevesy, George and P A Manual of Radioactivity Oxford University Press, London
208 1904 l Rutherford, Ernest Radioactivity Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
209 1926 l Levy, Leonard A. and Radium and Other Radioactive Elements Percival Marshall and Co., London
210 1903 l Hammer, William J. Radium and Other Radioactive Substances D. Van Nostrand Co., New York
211 1904 2 Curie, Sklodowska Recherches sur les Substances Radioactives Gauthier-Villars, Paris
212 1912 l Makower, W. Practical Measurements in Radio-Activity Longmans, Green and Co., London
213 1938 l Taft, Robert B. M.D Radium Lost and Found Jno. J. Furlong and Son, Charleston
214 1835 l Louis, Ch. A. Recherches sur les Effets de la Saignée dans quelques Maladies Inflammatoires J. B. Bailliere, Paris
215 1827 l Moquin-Tandon, Alfre Monographie de la Famille des Hirudinées Chez Gabon, Paris
216 1816 l Johnson, James Rawli A Treatise on the Medicinal Leech Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Browne, London
217 1838 l Charpentier, A. Monographie des Sangsues Chez J.B. Bailliere, Paris
218 1839 l Clutterbuck, Henry Lectures on Blood-Letting Haswell, Barrington and Haswell, Philadelphia
219 1763 2 David, Jean Pierre Recherches sur la Manière d’agir de la Saignée Vallat-la-Chapelle, Paris
220 1750 2 Quesnay, M. Traité des Effets et de l’usage de la Saignée Chez D'Houry, Paris
221 1756 1 Haller, Albrecht von Deux Mémoires sur le Mouvement du Sang et sur les Effets de la Saignée Marc-Michel Bousquet, Lausanne
222 1729 l Hecquet, P. Remarques sur l’abus des purgatifs et des amers au commencement et la fin des maladies et sur l’utilite de la saignée Cavelier, Paris
223 1787 4 Martine, George Essays and Observations on the construction and graduation of thermometers Alexander Donaldson, Edinburgh
224 1871 l Wunderlich, C.A.and Medical Thermometry William Wood and Co, New York
225 1825 1 Henry, Précis Descriptif sur les Instrumens de Chirurgie Anciens et Modernes Henry, Paris
226 1834 1 Henry, , Precis Descriptif sur les Instrumens de Chirurgie Anciens et Moderne Librairie des Sciences Médicales, Paris
227 1769 9 Sharp, Samuel A Treatise on the Operations of Surgery Robinson and Roberts, London
228 1804 2 Bell, Benjamin A System of Surgery O. Penniman and Co., Troy, New York
229 1889 l Witkowski, G.-J. Histoire des Accouchements Appendice, G. Steinheil, Paris
230 1710 lE Dionis, Pierre A Course of Chirurgical Operations Demonstrated in the Royal Garden at Paris Jacob Tonson, London
231 1706 4 Dionis, Pierre L’Anatomie de L’Homme Chez Laurent d'Houry, Paris
232 1842 l Holmes, Oliver Wende Homeopathy and its Kindred Delusions William D. Ticknor, Boston
233 1896 2 Merck, and Co. Merck’s 1896 Index same
234 1889 1 Merck, and Co. Merck’s Index same
235 1947 l PDR, Physicians’ Desk Reference to the Pharmaceutical Specialities and Biologicals Medical Economics, Rutherford, N.J.
236 1907 ? Betz Co., Catalogue same
237 1893 6 Wards Natural Science, Catalogue of Human Skeletons Anatomical Models, same
238 1878 ? McKesson, and Robbins Prices Current of Drugs and Druggists Articles same
239 1872 1 W.A.Weed, and Co. Illustrated Yearbook same
240 1877 2 Lynch, and Co. A Catalogue of Druggists Sundries same
241 1872 1 Benjamin, kE.B. American Hand-Book of Chemical and Physical Apparatus same, New York
242 1897 22 Bullock, and Crenshaw Catalogue of Chemical, Physical and Pharmaceutical Apparatus same, Philadelphia
243 1891 ? Whitall, Tatum and C Annual Price List same, Boston
244 1877 ? Schieffelin and Co., General Prices Current of foreign and Domestic Drugs Medicines Chemical, same, New York
245 1770 1F Heister, Lorenz Institutions de Chirurgie J.J. Niel, Avignon
246 1842 2 Worthy, A.N. M.D. A Treatise on the Botanic Theory and Practice of Medicine C.R. Hanleiter, Georgia
247 1850 16 Beach, W. M.D. The American Practice Condensed or the Family Physician James M'Alister, New York
248 1844 26 Smith, Dr. Elisha The Botanic Physician Daniel Adee, New York
249 1843 16 Comfort, J.W. M.D. The Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian Principles A. Comfort, Philadelphia
250 1876 l Flint, Austin M.D. A Manual of Percussion and Auscultation Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia
251 1887 2 Bourneville and Bric, Manual of Hypodermic Medication H.K. Lewis, London
252 1809 l Wardrop, James Observations on Fungus Haematodes or Soft Cancer Archibald Constable and Co, Edinburgh
253 1891 l Mergier, G.-E. Technique Instrumentale concernant les Sciences Médicales Octave Doin, Paris
254 1875 6 Dalton, John C. M.D. A Treatise on Human Physiology Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia
255 1965 l Chasis, Herbert M.D. Homer William Smith Sc.D., New York University Press
256 1888 5 Foster, M. M.D. A Text Book of Physiology MacMillan and Co., New York
257 1893 1 Pepper, William M.D A Text-Book of the Theory and Practice of Medicine W.B.Saunders, Philadelphia
258 1986 l Davis, Audrey and Dr The Finest Instruments Ever Made Medical History Publishing Associates, Arlington
259 1932 1 Pilling, George P Pilling made Surgical Instruments and Supplies same
260 1939 l0 Burrows, Harold Surgical Instruments and appliances used in operations Faber and Faber, London
261 1971 1 Rucker, C. Wilbur A History of the Ophalmoscope Whiting Printer and Stationers, Rochester
262 1904 ? Verdin, Charles Catalogue des Instruments de Précision (Reproduction) same, Paris
263 1922 ? J.F.Hartz co., Standard Surgical Instruments same, Detroit
264 1910 15 Maison, Mathieu Maison Mathieu same, Lyons
265 1904 ? H.Wulfing-Luer, Mais Catalogue Général same, Paris
266 1888 ? Aubry, A. Catalogue Illustré des Instruments de Chirurgie same, Paris
267 1882 ? Collin and Cie, Mais Catalogue Général Illustré D’Instruments de Chirurgie same, Paris
268 1928 l Selwyn-Brown, Arthur The Physician Throughout the Ages Capehart-Brown Co, New York
269 1927 1 Young, Hugh H. Urological Roentgenology Paul B. Hoeber, New York
270 1978 l Drey, Rudolf E.A. Apothecary Jars Faber and Faber, London
271 1969 l Crellin, J.K. Medical Ceramics Wellcome Institute ofthe History of Medicine, London
272 1924 1 Walsh, James J. M.D Cures D. Appleton and Company, New York
273 1886 l Loring, Edward G. M. Text-Book of Ophthalmoscopy D. Appleton and Co., New YOrk
274 1946 l Braun-Menendez, Edua Renal Hypertension Charles C. Thomas, Springfield
275 1974 l Pearsall, Ronald Collecting and Restoring Scientific Instruments Arco Publishing Co., New York
276 1963 2 Birks, J.B. Rutherford at Manchester W.A. Benjamin Inc, New York
277 1965 l Inglis, Brian A History of Medicine The World Publishing Co., Cleveland
278 1617 l Woodall, John The Surgeons Mate ( Facsimile ) Kingmead Press, Bath
279 1970 1 Milne, John Stewart Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times Augustus M. Kelley, New York
280 1929 11 Haggard, Howard W. Devils,  Drugs and Doctors Harper and Brothers, New York
281 1917 2 Garrison, Fielding H An Introduction to the History of Medicine W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
282 1978 l Nielsen, R. Fredrick Great American Pontiled Medicines same, Medford, New Jersey
283 1975 l Thomas, K.Bryn The Development of Anaesthetic Apparatus Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford
284 1986 l M. Edmonson, James Nineteenth Century Surgical Instruments Cleveland Health Sciences Library, Cleveland
285 1981 l Davis, Audrey Medicine and Its Technology Greenwood Press, Westport
286 1979 l Bennion, Elizabeth Antique Medical Instruments Sotheby Parke Bernet, London
287 1983 l Dammann, Gordon Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Civil War:Medical Instruments and Equipment Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Missoula, Montana
288 1979 l Richardson, Lillian The Pill Rollers Old Fort Press, Fort Washington, Md.
290 1983 l Bidault, L'Abbe Paul Etains Medicaus et Pharmaceutiques Charles Massin, Paris
291 1980 l Novotny, Ann and Smi Images of Healing Macmillan Publishing, New York
292 1981 l Gerdts, William H. The Art of Healing Birmingham Museum of the Arts, Birmingham
293 1979 l Davis, Audrey and Ap Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington
294 1980 l Wilbur, C. Keith Revolutionary Medicine The Globe Pequot Press, Chester, Conn.
295 1942 l Reicher, Philip M.D The Reichert Collection Illustrative of the Evolution and Development of Diagnostic Instruments Burroughs Welcome and Co., New York
296 1968 2 Gulyas, Gyula Old Hungarian Pharmacies Corvina, Budapest
297 1942 l Thompson, Dr. C.J.S. The Histroy and Evolution of Surgical Instruments Schuman's , New York
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328 1874 l Crabre, A.D. M.D. The Funny Side of Physic J.B. Burr Publishing Co., Hartford
329 1720 lA Culpeper, Nicholas Pharmacopoeia Londinensis Nicholas Booone
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339 1893 l Stevens, A.A. M.D. A Manual of the Practice of Medicine W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
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342 1890 2 Bradbury, Robert M. Bradbury’s Unofficinal Formulary Bradbury Publishing Co., Chicago
343 1801 l Hooper, R. M.D. A Compendious Medical Dictionary Manning and Loring, Boston
344 1822 l Bartlett, J.S. The Physicians Pocket Synopsis Munroe and Francis, Boston
345 1872 l Thomas, J. M.D. A Comprehensive Medical Dictionary J.B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia
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349 1878 4 Flint, Austin M.D. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Medicine Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia
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351 1848 2 Christison, Robert M A Dispensatory or Commentary on the Pharmacopoeias of Great Britain ( and the United States ) Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia
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354 1877 18 Wood H.C., M.D. Rem The Dispensatory of the United States of America J.B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia
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356 1818 1A3E Wilson, J. Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica or a Manual of Chirurgical Pharmacy Thomas Dobson and Son, Philadelphia
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383 1744 1F Hales, Stephen Haemastatique ou la statique des animaux expériences hydrauliques faites sur des animaux vivans Chez les Herit. Cramer and Freres Philibert, Geneva
384 1731 2 Hales, Stephen Statical Essays: Containing Vegetable Staticks; or An Account of some statical experiments on the Sap in Vegetables, W. Innys, London
385 1740 2 Hales, Stephen D.D. Statical Essays: Containing Haemastatics; or an account of the Hydraulic and Hydrostatical Experimentss made on the Blood and Blood vessels of Animals W. Innys and R. Maney, London
386 1907 2 Bishop, Louis F. M. Heart Disease and Blood-Pressure E.B. Treat and Co., New York
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396 1913 3 Mercer, Richard e. Blood Pressure Readings in Practice A. Kuhlman and Co., Detroit
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398 1916 3 Oliver, George M.D. Studies in Blood Pressure H.K. Lewis and Co. , London
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400 1913 1 Faught, Francis A. M. Blood-Pressure from the clinical standpoint W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia
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403 1901 1 Oliver, George M.D. A Contribution to the study of the Blood and Blood Pressure H.K. Lewis, London
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428 1659 1 Joubert, Laurens La Grande Chirurgie de M. Guy de Chauliac Chez Philippe Borde, L. Arnaud and Cl. Rigaud
429 1893 1 William Osler, M.D. The Principles and Practice of Medicine D. Appleton and Co.
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432 1920 2 Gallavardin, Dr. L. La Tension Artérielle en Clinique Masson et Cie
433 1874 Gaiffe, A. Notice sur les appareils électro-médicaux construits par A Gaiffe précédée d’un aperçu général Gaiffe
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437 1947 1 Trueta, Joep Studies of the Renal Circulation Blackwell
438 1942 1 Rolleston, Sir Humph Disorders of Blood Pressure Eyre and Spottiswoode
439 1849 1 Kay , and Troutman The Phrenologists Own Book Kay and Troutman
440 1923 5 Merck, and Co. Merck’s Manual of the Materia Medica Mercke and Co. New York
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447 1812 1 multiple, , New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the collateral branches of science volumes 1 and 2, The T. B. Wait and Co.
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452 1832 1 Velpeau , Alfred Arma see entry 450 J.B. Bailliere
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454 1707 1 Floyer, Sir John Kn The Physicians Pulse-Watch; or an essay to explain the old art of feeling the pulse and to improve Sam Smith and Benj. Walford
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462 1831 John Weiss, John Weiss Surgical Catalog Photocopy of Original Catalogue Lonson, England
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468 1907 1 Russell, William M. Arterial Hypertonus Sclerosis and Blood-Pressure William Green and Sons
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470 1883 1 Pilcher, Lewis S. The Treatment of Wounds Principles and Practice General and Special William Wood and Co.
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474 1848 2 Bowditch, Henry I. The Young Stethoscopist or The Student’s Aid to Auscultation Samuel S. and William Wood
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480 1992 2 Richardson, Lillian The Pill Rollers Old Fort Press, Fort Washington, Md.
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489 1884 3 Roosa, D. B. St. Joh Woods Medical Lexicon William Wood and Co.
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502 1673 1 2nd pnt, William Harvey The Anatomical Exercises of William Harvey Richard Lowndes
503 1862 1 Charriere, J. Notice des Instruments De Chirurgie Humaine et Vétérinaire Chez J. Charriere
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509 1819 1 Laennec, R. T. H. De l’Auscultation Médiate ou traité diagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du coeur J.A. Brosson et J. S. Chaude
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511 1887 2 Paul, Constantin Diagnostic et Traitement des Maladies du Coeur Asselin et Houzeau
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513 1856 1 Beau, J.H.S. Traité Expérimental et Clinique D’Auscultation appliquée à l’étude des maladies du poumon et du coeur Chez J.B. Bailliere
514 1851 1 Piorry, P.A. Traité de Médecine Pratique, Atlas de Plessimetrisme Atlas de Plessimetrisme, Chez J.B. Bailliere
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516 1866 1 Gerhardt, C. Lehrbuch der Auscultation und Percussion H.Laupp
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524 1887 1 Keyt, Alnozo M.D. Sphygmography and Cardiography G.P. Putnam's Sons
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528 1866 2 Dillenback, M.D, H.P. Consumption Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and Clergyman’s sore Throat Medicated Inhalations, , By the Author
529 1859 2 Groux, Eugene Fissura Sterni Congenita New Observations and Experiments Made in America and Great Britain with Il J.E.M. Kohler
530 1823 1 Laennec (Loeb), RTH A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest translated from the French of R.T.H. Laennec. James Webster 24 S.
531 1833 1 R.T.H.Laennec, trans Trattato della Ascoltazione Mediata Bertani, Antonelli, E.c.
532 1824 1 John Forbes, M.D. Original Cases with dissections and observations illlustrating     the use of the stethoscope and percussion T. and G. Underwood
533 1839 1 Willis, Robert Urinary Diseases and their Treatment Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell
534 1883 3 Guttmann, Dr. Paul A Handbook of Physical Diagnosis William Wood & Co.
535 1827 2 Forbes, John A Treatise on the DIseases of the Chest in which they are described according to their Anatomic Char T. and G. Underwood, Fleet Street
536 1849 1 Channing, William F. Notes on the Medical Application of Electricity Daniel Davis jr., Boston
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538 1834 4 Laennec, R. T.H. A Treatise of the Diseases of the Chest and of Mediate AuscultationTranslated from the latest French Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman
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540 1880 2 Weil, Adolf Handbuch und Atlas der Topographischen Percussion Verlag Von F. C. W. Vogel
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542 1962 1 Burch George E. and, DePasquale Nicholas Primer of Clinical Measurement of Blood Pressure C.V. Mosby Company
543 1770 1 Roziere, de la Chassagne Manuel des Pulmoniques ou Traité Complet des Maladies de la Poitrine Humaire
544 1829 3 R.T.H. Laennec, M.D., trans by J. Forbes Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest and on Mediate Auscultation, Thomas and George Underwood
545 2002 Blaufox, M.Donald An Ear to the Chest Parthenon Publishing, London, England
546 1998 1 Naqvi, N.H. , and Blaufox, M.D. Blood Pressure Measurement: An Illustrated History The Parthenon Publishing Group
547 1999 1 Furth, Charlotte A Flourishing Yin University of California Press
548 1922 11 Fischer, Accessories Fischer Accessories, X-Ray and Physio-Therapy Supplies H.G. Fischer & Co.