Artifact: The term artifact is used to denote the physical object that influenced medical diagnosis and therapy. In many ways due to the age of the objects it is synonymous with antique.
Bibliography: A listing of books that provide background material on the various portions of the website.
Category: The listing of the primary uses of the individual artifacts.
Curator: A resume of the site developer.
Description: One of the unique aspects of this website is a detailed description of each item including its dimensions.
Estimated date: A best estimate of the date of manufacture of the item, in the case of a patent date, that date is given.
Manufacturer: If a name is listed it is here, in some cases unmarked instruments are listed by the most likely manufacturer. See below to locate the geographic site of the various manufacturers.
The Instruments: This is a listing of the major categories into which the artifacts can logically be arranged. In some cases they are listed in more than one category.
19th Century Medicine: An overview of the major aspects of medical practice from 1801 to 1900.
same: on the bibliography page this meants that the author and publisher are the same.
Listed below are the major manufacturers that can be found on this website. They are in alphabetical order, but some have a letter listed first others do not and they should be searched both ways. The purpose of this listing is to provide the reader with information of the location of the manufacture of an instrument.
A S Aloe 300 N 4 St St Louis, Mo
A. Gaiffe Paris
A. L. Scovill Cinncinnatti , Ohio]
A.A. Mellliere St Louis, Mo
A.S. Aloe St. Louis, Miss
Adrian Paris France
Allaire Woodward and Co Peoria, Ill
Allan and Hanbury London England
Allenbury London England
American Brass Co. New York, New YOrk
American Homeopathic Pharmacy 457 Broome Street, New York, NY
Appel and co. 18 Fulton Street, New York
Archibald Young and Thompson61 Forrest Road, Edinburgh
Armstrong cork Co. Lancaster, Pa.
Arnold London
Arnold and Sons 35 Smithfield London, England
Arthur H. Thomas Co Philadelphia
Aubry Paris, France
Auzeux Paris France
Auzeux Paris France
B. Pilling and son, Philadelphia
Bailly A. 15 Rue De Rome, Paris
Bauer and Black Chicago, USA
Becton Dickinson and Co. Rutherford, N.J.
Behaj Germany
Bell and Croyden London, England
Blanzy OUre et Cie France
Boehm Rochester, N.Y.
Boots London England
Boulitte 15 Rue Bibillot, Paris
Boulitte 15-21 Rue Bibillot, Paris
Boulitte 7 Rue Linne Paris
Brady and Martin Newcastle upon Tyre, England
Burroughs Welcome London , England
C. Erb Tubingen, Germany
C. J. Tagliabue Mnfg Co NY USA
C.H. Fitch Utica, New York
C.N.Crittenton 7 Sixth Avenue, New York
Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co. Ltd London, England
Cambridge Instrument Company New York, New York
Cambridge Scientific Industries Cambridge, Md
Capac Co. Ltd. London , England
Cardinal mfg co London, England
Carl Zeiss, Jena Germany’
Carstens Mfg. Chicago, Ill.
Carter Medicine Co. New York , NY
CH Eccleston Oxford New York
Ch Verdin Paris, France
Charles Lentz and Sons 18 N 11 St, Philadelphia
Charles Truax 75 and 77 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill
Charles Verdin Paris, France
Charriere, Paris , France
Charriere, Collin et Cie
Charriere, Robert and Collin Paris , France
Chas E. Dressler New York, NY
Chevalier Paris, France
Chloride of Silver Dry cell batter co. Baltimore City, MD
Codman and Shurtleff Boston, Mass
Collin & Cie Paris, France
Collins London
Corona Typewriter Company, Groton, New York
Coxeter 23 Grafton Street, London, England
D. Stewart Baltimore, Md.
Davis Electric Co Parkersburg, W. Va
Day Bennington, Vermont
Doctor Eguiser Paris
Down Bros London, England
Down Brothers 21-23 St Thomas, London
Druggists Appliance MFG. Co. Port Richmond, NY
Durham Duplex Razor Co. New York , NY
Durroch, Wright and Co. London, England
E Spengler Paris , France
E Zimmermann Leipzig, Berlin
E. Fougera Mfg. Co. Brooklyn, New York
E. Spengler 16 Rue d L’Odeon, Paris
E. Waters Troy New York
E.F. Garland Salem, Mass
E.J. Dunbar Co Inc New York, NY
EB Meyrowitz 257 Fifth Avenue, New York
Ed. Lutz, opticien Blvd St. Germain 82, Paris
Edward R. Squibb Brooklyn,NewYork
Edward R. Squibb Brooklyn,New York
Ek. De Trey and Sons Philadelphia, Pa
Emanuel and Ihrig Pittsburgh, Pa
Enterprise Philadelphia, Pa.
ESI Rochester, N.Y.
Evans and Co. Old Change, London
Evans and Sons Co.Laboratories Liverpool, England
Evans and Wormull Stamford Street, London
F M Hopkins sons Keeseville, New York
F. Bridges England
F. Buechi and Sobn Bern, Switzerland
F. Klee W. Darrow, NY
F. Steffan & Co. Frankfurt, G.
F.G.Ernst 43 Lambs Conduit St., London
F.H. Glew 156 Clapham Rd, London, England
F.J. O’Neill Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo.
F.M. Hopkins’Sons Deeeseville, N.Y.
Fannin and Co. Grafton St, Dublin
Ferguson London
Ferguson and Co West Smithfield, London
Fortier Probably France
Fowler, L.N. Ludgate Hall, London, England
Franz Hugershoff Leipzig, DRGM
French Cognac Bitters New York, New York
G.P. Pilling And SonPhiladelphia, Pa
Gardner Edinborough
Gemrig Philadelphia, Pa England
General Electric Schenectedy, New York
Gentile Paris, France
Geo. Tiemann (Wm Hatteroth) 67 Chatham St.
George Pilling and Co. Philadelphia, Pa.
Gilliard P. Monnet and Cartier Lyon, France
Gimber London
Globe Mnfr Co Battle Creek Mich
Goulding and Co. New York
GP Pilling and Son Philadelphia, Pa
Grigg 6 Mulgrave Place, Plymouth, England
H. Sanche. Detroit, Mich
H. W. Lobb Philadelphia, Pa
Hallmarked CAC with a crown and p Paris
Halse Warwick Lodge, Kensington, London
Hams Drug Store Livermore Falls, Maine
Hartshorn Chemical Co. Columbus , Ohio
Hassam Boston
Hawksley 367 Oxford St., London
Hawksley and Sons 357 Oxford Street, London
Hawksley and Sons, The Beard Co. London, England, New York City, USA
Health Culture Co. New York
Henry Crouch London
Henry Johnson and Lord Burlington , Vt.
Henry P. Thorn Main Street, Medford, N.J.
Hernstein New York, NY
Hicks, Hatton Garden, London
Hill London , England
Holloways 55 Oxford Street, London
Horatio G. Kern 25N Sixth St, Phila
Horne and Co. New Gate St. London
Hospital Contracts London
Humphreys Homeopathic Co. William and John St., New York
Huston Bros Chicago, Ill
J and S Maw 55 Aldermanbury, London
J H A Folkers and Bro 112MontgomerySt San Francisco
J. Ellwood Lee Co. Conshohocken, Pa
J. Maxwell 94 S. Pearl St. , Albany
J. T. Leary 775 Dudley St. Uphams Corner, Dorchester, Mass
J. Teufel Philadelphia, USA
J. Weiss London, England
J. Weiss and Son 287 Oxford Street, London
J.F.Tozer Rochester, New York
J.H. Gemrig and Son 109 south 8 street, Philadelphia
J.H. Guild M.D. Bennington County, Rupert, Vermont
J.H.A. Folkers and Bro 110 Montgomery St, S.F.
J.J. Hicks 8,9,10 Hatton Garden, London
J.M. Grosvenor and Company Boston , Mass.
J.O. Aldrich Mfg Bath NY
J.P. Willms Baltimore, Md
J.R. in an oval French?
J.W. Gordon M.D. Baltimore, Md.
Jacob Dunton Philadelphia Pa
James J. Hicks 8,9,10 Hatton Garden, London
James Jacquet A/G Basel, Switzerland
Jaynes and Co. Boston, Mass
Jerome Kidder 544 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
Jerome Kidder 820 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
John and Wm Wood 74 King St, Manchester, Engl
John Gault Boston, Mass
John Weiss and Son 287 Oxford St London
John Weiss and Son 62 Strand, London, England
Johnson and Johnson New Brunswick, USA
Johnston Optical Co. Detroit, Mich
Jonathon Crookes London, England
Kern and Tiemann & Co. New York
Kny Scheerer Germany
Kny Scheerer New York
Kny-Scheerer Co.225-233 Fourth Ave., New York
Kronne and Sesemann London
L. Casella, Hatton Garden, London
L. Mathieu Paris France
Landers, Frary and Clars New Britain Conn, USA
Limousin and Cie Paris, France.
Lincoln London, England
Lipdau 5 Rue Scribe, Paris
Lowenstein Berlin
Ltd London
Luer Paris France
Luer and Apron Paris
Lynch and Co London, England
M. Hunt Boston, Mass
Macintosh Battery and Optical Co. Chicago, Ill
Maw London, England
Maw son and son London England
Maw, Aldersgate St
Maw, Son and Thompson London, England
Mc Court Label Cabinet Bradford Pennsylvania
Medallic art co. New York
Medical Supply Assoc. London
Meyer and Meltzer London
Molesworth 824 Lafayette Avenue, Bkln, NY
Mosley London
Mr. S. Shaw Padiham, Lancashire
Mueller, Welt Detroit, New York
Nasal Filter Co. Columbus Ohio
National Electric Instrument Co. Long Island, New York
National First Aid Association of America Arlington, Mass
Nelson Baker and Co. Detroit, Mich
New York and London Electric Ass 118 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Mo.
Northrop and Lyman Co. Canada
Novelty Plaster Works Lowell, Mass
Otis clapp 23 School Street, Boston, Mass
Outerbridge Brooklyn, NY
Oxygenator Co. Buffalo, NY
Oxygenator Co. Buffalo, NY
P Harris and Co. Ltd
Parke Davis Detroit, Mich
Parke, Davis and Co. Detroit Michigan, USA
Perry California
Pilling and Son Philadelphia
Ponds Sphygmograph Co. Rutland Vermont
Poulenc Freres Paris France
Precision Thermometer and Instrument Co Brandywine St. Philadelphia, Pa
Prossard 86 Rue de Varenne
Pulvermachers Galvanic Co. London England
Randall Fatchley Co. Boston, USA
Read London
Reay and Robinson Liverpool, Eng.
Reiner Wein
Rodgers, Cutlers to her Majesty London, England
S. Maw and Son 11 Aldersgate St, London
S. Maw and Son and Thompson London, England
S. Maw, Son and Sons London, England
S.W. Gould and Bros. Malden, Mass
Sambson-Soch Boston , Mass
Samson Paris, France
Sarco England?
Savery and Co. Philadelphia
Savigny London, England
Savigny and Co. 67 St. James, London
Sayer Drug Shop New York New York
Schlottenbeck and Co. Portland Maine
Scott Mnfr Adelia, USA
Seabury and Johnson New York, London, Hamburg
Seabury Pharmacal Laboratories New York, New York
Sharp and Dohme Baltimore, Md, USA
Shepard and Dudley New York
Short and Mason London
Simplex Lamp co. New York
Sklar Brooklyn, New York
Sklar New York, New York
Spengler Co. Paris, France
Sterling Remedy Co. Indiana Mineral Springs, Indiana,
T. Moris Perot Philadelphia, Pa.
Taylor Rochester, NY, Toronto Canada
Th Chazal Paris
Thoma Germany
Thos. Christy and Co. London, England
Tiemann 67 Chatham, New York
Tiemann New York, New York
Tiemann New York, New York
Tiemann and Co. New York, New York
Tiemann and Co. 107 Park Row, New York
Tiemann and Co. 67 Chatham St. N.Y.
Tiemann Co New York, NY
Troemner, Philadelphia
True’s Elixir Auburn, Maine
Tycos Rochester, N.Y.
UMA Inc. New York
UNIS France
Urings London, England
Vapo Cresoline Co. 62 Courtlandt St. New York, New York
Victor Boston
Victor x-ray Chicago, Ill.
W and T Avery Birmingham, England
W B Hilliard and Sons 65 Renfield St Glasgow
W H Hutchinson Sheffield, England
W R Goulding New York
W. C. Rieker Philadelphia, Pa
W. Eyer’s, Surgical and Dental Instruments 137 E 25 St. New York
W. Ford Co New York, NY
W. Griggs 33 Eastbourne Terrace, London
W.A. Baum Co. New York
W.A. Baum Com Inc. 100 Fifth Avenue, New York
W.A.Baum, Co. Inc Copiague, N.Y.
W.C. and J. Neff No. 3.5 S Seventh St, Philadelphia, Pa
W.F. Ford New York
Waarenhaus Wein
Walters 16 Morrgate, London
Waltham Watch Waltham Mass
Wedgewood England
Weiss 62 Strand, London
Weiss and Son London
Wester Surgical Supply Cincinnati, Ohio
Whitehall Tatum Co. New York, New York
Whyte London England
William Snowden Philadelphia, Pa
Williams Electrode Medical Battery Co. New York
Williams Mnfr Co. 12 Vesey St. New York
Wilson Ear Drum co Louisville, Ky
Wm S. Merrell Co Cincinnati, USA
Wolloms London
Wood and Co. New York